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Faculty Members

Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering


Name Tohru Suzuki
Job Title Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, 1992
Doctoral Degree, Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, 1999
Research Assistant, Kyoto University (1997-1999)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (1999-2002)
Research Fellow, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (2002-2006)
Group Leader, Reactor Safety Engineering Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (2006-2017)
Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Tokyo City University (2017- )
Specialized Field Thermal hydraulics for conventional/advanced reactors
Safety evaluation for advanced reactors (FBR, ADS etc.)
Sever-accident analysis for advanced reactors (FBR, ADS etc.)
Basic Policy Complementary approach for safety assessment incorporating both experimental study and computational simulation
Areas of Interests Phenomenological investigation of multi-phase flows in disrupted core
Experimental study on thermal hydraulics for safety evaluation
Computational simulation for disrupted-core behaviors

Name Naoyuki Takaki
Job Title Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Nuclear Propulsion Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, 1987
Master’s Degree, Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1989
Doctoral Degree, Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1992
Tokyo Electric Power Company (1992-2008)
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nulear Power Plant
Advanced Reactor Group, Nuclear Power Research & Development Center
Strategic Planning Group, Head Office
Nuclear Reactor Safety Engineering Group, Head Office
Attached from TEPCO to
Japan Atomic Power Company (1999)
Japan Nuclear Fuel Cycle Development Institute (1999-2004)
Nuclear Material Control Center (2004-2006)
Visiting Associate Professor, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2004-2008)
Associate Professor, Department of Energy, Tokai University (2008-2010)
Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Tokai University (2010-2012)
Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Tokyo City University (2012- )
Specialized Field Nuclear Reactor Physics & Design
Nuclear Transmutaion Applications
Basic Policy Pursue ideal and realistic nuclear energy system that meets technical and sociological requirements from diverse aspects of resource, environment, safety, nuclear non- proliferation and public acceptance.
Have a broad view on nuclear energy system including frontend to backend of the fuel cycle.
Intend practically balanced studies by incorporating industrial sense of values into academia.
Areas of Interests 1) Advanced reactor concept
Fast breeder reactor
CANDLE reactor / Travelling wave reactor / Breed and burn reactor
Water cooled thorium breeder reactor
High temperature gas cooled reactor
2) Nuclear transmutation
Radioisotope production for medical use
Nuclear Alchemy (Gold from Mercury)
Transmutation of minor actinides (MA)
Transmutation of long-lived fission products (LLFP)
3) Thorium fuel
Molten salt reactor
Sustainable water cooled thorium reactor based on LWR technology
Core design for effective use of thorium in LWR, FBR and HTR
4) Accident tolerant fuel
Core design of LWR using coated particle fuel
5) Studies related to Fukushima accident
Criticality analysis of fuel debris
Molten fuel removal technology without re-criticality
Neutron absorber material design for debris removal
6) Cross cutting studies
Strategic deployment scenario of advanced reactors and related nuclear facilities
Cost analysis of nuclear energy system
Proliferation resistant nuclear energy system
Fuel loading pattern optimization using artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm

Name Jun Kawarabayashi
Job Title Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Nuclear Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1991
Master’s Degree, Nuclear Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1993
Doctoral Degree, QuantumEngineering and Systems Science, University of Tokyo, 1996
Assistant Professor, Naogya University, 1996-2004
Associate Professor, Nagoya University, 2004-2015
Professor, Tokyo City Univsersity, 2015-
Specialized Field: Radiation Detector Engineering
Application of Radiation Engineering
Basic Policy Quantum brings information of nanoscale world to our usual world
Areas of Interests Radiation Imaging
Neutron Imaging
Waveform Analysis for semiconductor detector
Gamma Camera
Backscattered X-ray Imaging

Name Naoto Hagura
Job Title Associate Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Nuclear Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology, 2005
Master’s Degree, Nuclear Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology, 2007
Doctoral Degree, Nuclear Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology, 2010
Hitachi Ltd. (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.) (2010-2013)
Assistant, Atomic Enegy Research Laboratory, TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY(2013-2015)
Assistant Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY(2015-)
Specialized Field Accelerator Engineering
Ion Beam Analysis
Evaluation of Nuclear Data
Basic Policy  
Areas of Interests 1) Accelerator Engineering
Electrostatic Accelerators
Cold cathode PIG negative ion source
Beam transport
2) Ion Beam Analysis
PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Analysis)
RBS (Rutherford Backscattering)
Proton Beam Irradiation
3) Evaluation of Nuclear Data
FP Decay Heat
MA Decay Heat

Name Hitoshi Muta
Job Title Associate Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Applied Nucleus Engineering, Kyushu University, 1990
Doctoral Degree, Course of Applied Marine Environmental Studies, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 2010
Lecturer, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY(2013-2017)
Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY(2017-)
Specialized Field Nuclear Safety Engineering
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Severe Accident Management
Basic Policy  
Areas of Interests 1) Nuclear Safety Engineering
Nuclear Safety Regulation
Safety Enegineering for Nuclear Reactor and Facilities
Safety Analysis
2) Probabilistic Risk Assessment
External Natural Hazard PRA
Internal Events PRA
System Reliability Analysis
Dynamic Event Analysis
Interaction Model for Strucure, Componet, System, Human, Infrastrucure and Envaironmental
3) Severe Accident Management
Accident Progression Analysis
Accident Management
Human Factor

Name Haruaki Matsuura
Job Title Associate Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science, 1990
Doctoral Degree, Electronic Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1997
Assistant Professor, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology(1994-2015)
Visiting researcher, Univesity of Abertay Dundee(1998-1999)
le STUDIUM Associate researcher, CEMHTI, CNRS(2006-2008)
Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Tokyo City University(2015-)
Specialized Field Fuel cycle engineering
Backend chemistry
Basic Policy Development of chemical decomissioning processes aided by synchrotron radiation and neutron source
Areas of Interests 1) Treatment of fuel debris
Selectrive fluorination
Molten salt electrolysis
Thermoanalytical study
2) Liquid waste decontamination
Ion chromatographic separation of minor actinides
Ammonia distillation
Selective adsorption into zeolite
Precipitation and distillation of salt waste treatment
3) Nuclide migration
Cesium penetration into concrete
Structural analyses of various glasses
Local structural analysis of fine alloys

Name Isamu Sato
Job Title Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Applied Nucleus Engineering, Kyushu University, 1994
Doctoral Degree, major in Nuclear Engineering, 1999
Researcher, Japan Atomic Energy Agency(1999-2015)
Specially Appointed Associate Professor , Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology(2015-2017)
Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Tokyo City University(2017-)
Specialized Field Nuclear fuel engineering
High temperature experimental research
Irradiated fuel behavior
Thermo chemistry
Basic Policy The behavior of fission products in irradiated fuel will be evaluated for the release during severe accidents, fuel design, those utilizations.
Areas of Interests 1) Fission product direct utilization
synthesis of metallic fission product particles
thermal analyses (TG-DTA, DSC etc.)
metallography(SEM, EPMA, XRD etc.)
2) Cs penetration into structural materials
Immersion of the materials into Cs containing solution
Evaluation of diffusion and adsorption behavior
CFD estimation of Cs penetration aspect
3) Development of reactor core devices to prevent the over power of fast reactors
Evaluation of fundamental material properties of various alloys
Design of the device using appropriate alloys

Name Yasuki Ohori
Job Title Professor
Education Bachelor’s Degree, Civil Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, 1988
Master’s Degree, Civil Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, 1990
Master of Bussiness Administration, Graduate school of Commerce, Waseda University, 2009
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (1990-2017)
   – Research Engineer (1990-1997)
   – Principal Researcher (1997-2006)
   – Senior Researcher (2006-2014)
   – Depty Director (2014-2017)
Postdoctral Research Associate, University of Notre Dame (1998-1999)
Visiting Researcher, University of Tokyo (2006 -2008)
Professor, Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Tokyo City University (2017-)
Specialized Field: Earthquake Engineering
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Basic Policy  
Areas of Interests External PRA
Risk Management
Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plant
Stochastic Analysis
Seismic Isolation